What Xelements is

Xelements is a very tiny set of C++ objects that surrogates the Windows native user interface, allowing developers to provide a classic user interface to their applications, with simplicity, low memory usage / footprint and performance in mind. The library is available both in C++ as a DLL, and in Python as a module. The need for a Python binding was a key feature to provide, influencing the architecture and API (no C++ references, only simple types). Here is a list of Xelements features:

  3 lines of code to create, initialize and position a widget
   HTML style, line by line dynamic layout
   footprint less than 100 Kb
   native common controls availabilty : Static, Button, Edit, ComboBox, Treeview, Listview, Tab control, Progress bar, Dialog box
   extended controls : Image with BMP, JPEG, GIF and PNG (with alpha blending) support (using GD), Browser (IE and Mozilla support), OpenGL (very basic support), Fly over button, Resizer (splitter)
   triggers : special objects that points to a list of widgets to refresh when a value changes

What Xelements is NOT

Xelements is not a big cross-platform UI toolkit library like Qt or wxWidgets. If you are looking for powerful and complicated controls like rebars or proprietary non standard widgets, that both run on Linux, Mac and Windows, Xelements is not the right library to use. At the time when I write this documentation, there are many voluntary lacks in the available features. It is the choice of simplicity, both for developers and users. One should be able to develop most applications, even fancy looking, with Xelements.